Friday, January 05, 2007

A Real Mom

That is what I feel like today. I know that I am a mom, and have been a mom for nearly 2 1/2 years now, but today I really feel like it. Why, you may ask? Well, I slept with Judah all night in my bed, brought the humidifier into my room, and when we woke up, I made an appt. to see his doctor this morning (even though it only seemed like he had a lingering cold) . He has had a nagging cough for the past couple of days, and a runny/stuffy nose for a couple of weeks.

So, reluctantly, we headed for the doctor this morning. I couldn't have been prouder of Judah at the Dr.'s! He sat so still for her, let her look in his ears, and even let her listen to his chest with the stethescope! He even breathed in and out when she asked him to. What an improvement from his last visits! And then the verdict....croup and bronchitis... Which took me completely by suprise! He has had croup before, and this didn't sound the same, so it never crossed my mind. So 2 trips to the pharmacy later, he is on some strong antibiotics along with an albuterol inhaler!

Which brings me to the next part of my day that made me feel like a real mom! He screamed so hard when he had to do the inhaler tube, he threw up.. .. .. twice. All over me, my hair, himself, the kitchen floor, his carpet... you get the idea. So ever since then, I have been cleaning everything, and doing laundry, and scrubbing the floors. I am TIRED, DIRTY, STINKY, and SWEATY... That is what being a mom is all about, right?


Anonymous said...

Way to go, mom. Days like these are trying and hard, but they make me love my kids even more. Poor Judah, hope he gets better quickly. It's sad to see your kids feeling sick! Blessings on you guys!

Kelly said...

No being a mom is sacrificing, selfless, always there and love-til-it-hurts. Underneath the tired, dirty, stinky & sweaty that's exactly what you are! That's why mommy can always make it better!
Hope you all are having a better weekend!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

So sorry Alicia ... everytime Ethan has thrown up, the last time was when we were in the ER for his croup in July and he got so upset at the IV, it seems to always be on me, and like you, I knew I was really a mom, because I didn't even care. Anything to comfort my little guy, even with throw up all over me ...

Hang in there, we'll be praying for a speedy recovery and lots of rest for both of you!!

Anonymous said...

You'll never believe...Hannah caught a nasty bug last night and threw up at least 10 times (I stopped counting) and kept me awake from 11 pm to 5 am - it was coming every 20 to 30 minutes! Oh, I can sympathize. Hope Judah is doing better now.

alicia marie said...

oh, Katie, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I KNOW what it is to be sleep deprived, and then to have to take care of a sick kid! Just make sure to catch some zzzz's whenever you can, otherwise you'll find yourself coming down with something too!

Judah is doing better, and actually took his antibiotics and inhaler today without screaming and crying! progress!