Friday, August 13, 2010

My Soap Box

Collossians 3:23-24 "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

This is the passage than runs through my head every time that I am at work, especially when I feel like banging some heads together. As a follower of Christ, I think it's easy for us to remember this at our jobs, every day, during the week or whenever you work.

But you know when I think it's hard to remember this? On Sunday morning. When you are setting up tables in the foyer, or unpacking the trailer, or unwinding cables, teaching children, it's hard, sometimes to really put into perspective why you are doing what you do. I think people feel obligated to serve for one reason or another, to avoid guilt, to not let your pastor down, etc. But what does the Bible say about that? it says WHATEVER you do, work at it WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AS WORKING FOR THE LORD.

Ever wonder why you're getting fatigued in your service at church? Ever feel like you "need a break"? Ever feel like something or someone pissed you off, so you're just going to stop being a servant? Maybe even leave? Take a good hard look at your intentions. I mean, seriously. Examine your heart. Pray to our LORD about it. Why are you being a servant in the first place? You can't have 2 masters! If you try, you will fail one of them. You have a choice. Serve man (that includes selfish reasons for serving) or serve God.

Be committed! Have fun! Do something you love! And if something you love isn't available to do, do something else and have a good attitude about it! Do I serve God b/c I think our church is awesome? Or because I think we have all the answers? Absolutely not! I serve b/c God called me to be in the place that I am, and b/c I love God and want to do whatever I can to please Him!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What??!? It's only been a year! Seriously, in a real lifetime perspective, that's nothing! OK, I need this outlet, I want to write, I want to remember things that happen when my brain feels like letting the supposed unforgettable moments of my life slip through the cracks.

Judah started first grade today. All day--eating lunch in the cafeteria--sitting at his own desk--first grade. I'm a little overwhelmed! But him? He's doing great. Loved every single second of his new adventure. I'm not sure I expected anything different out of him, he's so much like Brent in new or unfamiliar situations. He is a rock, unmovable, unshakable, and takes everything with a grain of salt. He is my little champ, and I love that about him.

The summer of 2010 brought alot of activity to our schedule. Jude and I spent 2 weeks in Idaho with family and friends. We got 10 days of a wonderful visit with my sister and her fam. We had such a blast having a full house while they were here. We high-tailed it to the beach a dozen or so times, and went swimming at friends pools more often than that. Judah turned into a little brown bean, despite my sunscreen efforts. Brent put in hundreds of hours at work, thank you LORD, and hoofed around the Zoo and Wild Animal Park with us as often as we could. We planted a container garden in early May, and are now enjoying more zucchinis and tomatoes than we know what to do with. Brent and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary with a dinner cruise on the SanDiego harbor, and tried to squeeze in as many other date nights as possible. Judah and I attended an alpaca shearing and brought home 2 fleeces. I crafted as often as I could squeeze it in, knitting here, dyeing there, and spinning when it was cool enough that the wool wouldn't stick to my fingers. I've been a real slacker as a's all part of the shame. No good pictures = nothing for me to blog about. We've had a few days of down time, but we found them rather boring in general. So I'm fairly content to settle into a nice little schedule of school days.

Playing drums with Dad

My little ham

Wool roving all the colors of the rainbow

Judah with a baby alpaca

a knitted set of monsters for my friend Billie's baby boy

Our little garden around July...I think.

One of my dad's bird houses. They are fabulous!

A scarf I knit out of my own handspun yarn
for Judah's Kindergarten teacher

First day of First Grade!!

Our anniversary date