Monday, January 01, 2007

It's a New Year...

We just got home this morning after driving 17 hours straight through the night. Surprisingly, Judah was an AWESOME traveler! He slept 81/2 hours straight through the night, which allowed us to just keep driving! We all had a wonderful time in Idaho, and for proof, pictures will come soon. I just need to do something now to help myself feel better. It was hard to leave all of my family and friends, and every time we are there, it feels like we are moving away all over again. So to help ease the pain, here is a list of things I really do love about living here in California.

1. being comfortable outside on New years day in a t-shirt and jeans. (oh yeah, and flip flops)

2. driving with the windows down.

3. Taking Judah and Jager to the dog park in the winter

4. Getting to the beach in 45 minutes.

5. All of my new friends :)

6. Truely authentic mexican food on just about every corner.

7. Starbucks within viewing distance of our apartment.

8. Pat and Oscars...(ask me when you come to is yummy)

9. our new church.

And there are many many more, too many to list. And then there is the list of things I miss about Idaho...but that would defeat the purpose of this post, and I would end up in tears!!


Anonymous said...

alicia, it would be untrue if i said i didn't miss you being here and that i didn't want you to be back close by, though i know you are doing God's work and i would not want it any other way. as long as we can see you often, it's ok. love,,,,, dad....

Kelly said...

I'm glad your trip home went well. I'm so glad you guys were able to stop by while you were home. It was really good to see you!

Anonymous said...

first time I've ever looked at your blog... I'm impressed! What a cute "point of interest" for all your shots! :) I know it's hard to be far from family and such good friends, but I, too, am glad to have you here (selfishly) and am thankful for all you and Brent (and even Judah)do. You enrich So. Cal! Love you.... sharon