Wednesday, February 21, 2007


We're moving this weekend! so everything has been pretty busy. We have to get a storage unit to hold everything that won't fit in the tiny guest house. And when we measured the doors, we realized there is probably no way to get our couches into the if anyone has a great idea, let me know. I *love* our couches, and I don't' really want to buy some crappy ones that will just fit, ya know? Any suggestions are welcome! And an added bonus, the families 2 dogs LOVED Jager! So he will have some playmates for a couple of months!

Judah is dong better, less tantrums, or maybe I'm just getting better at ignoring them! Not sure which. We're getting ready to switch to the big boy bed when we move, and I decided that would be a good time to start potty training too! Might as well change everything all at once, right?
Other than that, just alot of packing and cleaning...uuugghhhhh! Have a great Wednesday!

Sleeping with Moose on the train table

Moose keeping warm on the computer!


Sage said...

Those are the cutest pictures of Judah.
I am glad everything worked out so you could move.
No good ideas for the couches. Unless pushing and shoving as hard as you can counts.

Kelly said...

Have you seen the Friends episode where they're trying to get Ross's couch up the stairs and he keeps yelling "PIVOT!" at them? That's all I could think of as far as the couches. Sorry!
I'm so glad you get to move! I know it'll be stressful for awhile but worth it in the long run. I hate moving so I will definitely be praying for you guys this weekend!
LOVE the new Judah shots! The one of him pointing his finger is so cute!

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Oh boy ... it's really happening. That is so great. I know your last update was sounding a little discouraged, but it all worked out. And couches ... Hmmm, well Brent is a handy guy and if he has yet to think of a way I know I will be of no help, but thanks to Kelly I'm now laughing picturing the whole event ;). Good Luck, can't wait to see pictures of the new cozy space!

Anonymous said...

This is one mom who is sad not to be there to help you guys - my first experience for this. I know you guys will have lots of help so am not worried, just sad. Hadn't heard from you so didn't know if the move was off or on. So thankful it all worked out. Love you all.