Friday, February 09, 2007


Dogster: the site for dog lovers

I did this a while ago, but thought I would share! At first I told myself I would NEVER do this....then I did, and now I love it! It is like Myspace for dogs! It's not really THAT exciting, but it is just fun. You can request pup pals, give other dogs bones & treats, be in special groups, all for the love of dogs! Kinda silly, huh? Anyway, it has been interesting to see how many Goldens are out there, and even in our own town with a dogster acct. Here is the Link to Jager's account.

Jager with his favorite toy, Piglet

Now, there is also a Catster website...I might have to indulge in that as well....c'mon, don't you think Moose feels left out?

Moose's new favorite nap spot, Judah's bed


Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Hey Alicia ... it's me one of your lurkers (I think I check at least once a week so I have no excuse for not posting) coming out of hiding. I don't want to be hypocritical on my own blog ... LOL.

Sorry for not commenting more, I'm terrible at it, so why should I care if people do on mine? I really don't, there are just a few lurkers I know about that I'm giving a hard time too and notoriously they will post for a contest (you are not one of them ... I consider you a faithful follower ... :) ).

Now about this whole Dogster thing ... well I don't get it, but I don't get the love of dogs either ... maybe one day.

Hope you have a good weekend!

(Oh and Ethan and I have just discovered Little Einsteins in the last month and we love them ... I may have to go in search of some of those jammies for his birthday to go along with the video he's getting!)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so because of you and Andrea I think I want to start a new blog. I had a xanga account for a while, but... well, just go to it if you want to see why I don't want to keep that account anymore!

You would have to help me make it look cute if I decided to do it though.