Friday, September 29, 2006

Technology Child

Last night Judah picked up Brent's work phone and said, "I'm gonna call Daddy on the phone."
Then it hit me. He will never know what a rotary dial phone is, he will likely never know what a home phone is. He is growing up in a world where everyone has a phone in their pocket, and a computer on their lap, (even poor folks like us :)! ) where he can watch a DVD in the car, and talk to grandma and grandpa on a video phone (which we haven't set up yet, but we have one!) I remember when my 8th grade english teacher first required a paper turned in typed...and I had to use a typewriter because our family didn't have a computer yet. It makes me feel old..ME! ok, enough with all that. Here's the rest of the cell phone pictures.

Judah has recently become enamored with Brent's hard hat from work. This pic is from one night this week, we were playing outside when Brent got home, and Judah just had to put it on. And then he wanted to go drive Daddy's big work truck! What a little man!

Have a great weekend everyone. We're headed off to Dog Beach tomorrow, and I will post some pictures this weekend.

One last note. If you haven't visited the link on my sidebar that says, "Mason Jenkin's site" please do. Our dear friends, Eddie and Becky, and their kids, Jazzy and Mason need your prayers. Mason is doing much better, but still needs prayer every day, as do mom and dad! And if you don't know anything about any of this, go there anyway and educate yourself. It doesn't take long before you get emotionally invested in their story. They have two websites. The one I have a link to and Mason's caring bridge site . We miss you, Eddie and Becky, and love you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your friends, the Jenkins, blog. What a beautiful family and inspiring story of little Mason. Their family will definately be added to my prayers.

-Andrea (Kelly's Munger's sister)

Kelly said...

Isn't that weird to think about technology always being a part of their lives? Mike and I often wonder what we'll be telling them it was like when they were little. Like we had to watch movies on DVDs and listen to CDs. Satruday night I was watching an episode of the Cosby Show while waiting out the deer situation (see my blog for the story). It showed Denise typing a paper on a typewriter and I thought of you! :)