Thursday, September 21, 2006

What kind of ice cream are you?

This is hillarious...a website you can waste alot of time on, as I'm sure you know I did... it is I took this quiz, and then, just for kicks, took it with what Brent might answer just to see if the compatibility lined up. and it did! Good thing I had a lame little on-line test to reassure me that we are meant for each other... let me know what tests you took and how they turned out. have a great weekend!

Alicia's profile:

You Are Strawberry Ice Cream

A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.

You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.

Brent's profile:

You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

You are kind, popular, and generous.
You tend to be successful at anything you try.
A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.


Andrea said...

That is a great website! Thanks for sharing.
-Andrea (Kelly's sister)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I took the quiz and it said I was Strawberry Ice Cream. Now I do not view myself as an onlooker except in new situations. But hey, maybe that's why we are such good friends!