Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Dude abides....

The big Lebowski. It wasn't a great movie. I'm not even sure when it was that I first saw it. I think it was one of those weird movies that Danny had Brent and I watch at some point when he lived in our basement. I'm not, by all means, condoning this movie or recommending it. From what I can remember, it is pretty foul and "adult themed". But I did take a couple things from it.

#1--White Russians--by FAR my favorite cocktail. "the dude" drinks them throughout the movie.

#2--"The Dude Abides." The "dude" is one of the main characters in the movie, and he says (possibly more than once) "the dude abides". yes, weird. First of all that he calls himself "the dude". But that phrase always stuck with me.

On the street one over from us, about 4 houses away, there is a "dude." I'm not sure why we started calling him that. But every time we would drive by, we would find ourselves looking for him. If it is anytime after dark, he is there, in his garage, with the garage door open. Were not sure why he's there, or what he does. But he's sitting there, on a barstool, sometimes with friends, sometimes by himself. Sometimes he's out during the day working on something in the garage, using some power tools. It has become something that we always say when we see him--"The Dude abides." Because that is what he's doing. Just abiding. I wish I could take a picture of this, but that might seem a little stalker-ish, so I will refrain.

"The Dude abides. I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners. Shoosh. I sure hope he makes the finals." --The Stranger in The Big Lebowski.


Mary said...

We have The Dude on our block, too! I think it's a prerequisite for every neighborhood. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if there's a dude in my apartment building, but we have a project at work which was just christened "Project Lebowski."

alicia marie said...

Nick--does it have anything to do with a rug?

That cracks me up!