Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May Day!

About halfway through the day I realized it was mayday. I tried to remember if this used to be a celebratory holiday growing up, I don't remember decorating a May Pole or anything like that. Then out of nowhere, my mind became flooded with memories of constuction paper, glue, stickers.....what was it that I used to make....oh yes! May Day baskets! I remember making little construction paper cones with glued on handles, and picking all of my mothers beautiful flowers, stuffing them into the "baskets", and leaving them on my neighbors doorsteps, then quickly running away after ringing the door bell! What fun we had suprising everyone with our humble little crafts! By the time I thought of doing this with Judah, we were halfway home, and miles from the store. Maybe its too girly of a thing to do with him anyway. But he would've enjoyed it. Oh well, maybe next year.

Tonight when we got home from our small group, I headed downstairs to do laundry while Brent and Judah went upstairs to start getting ready for bed. I had put Gracie's food in her kennel with her while we were gone to give her a chance to eat away from the boys. From the bathroom, Brent heard Judah saying, "Jager, you can't eat Gracie's food. If you are hungry, I'll get you your own food, but you can't eat Gracie's food." and then he brought Gracie's food dish into the bathroom to Brent! What a smart little dog trainer he is becoming! I was very proud of him!

We have been fairly busy, hence the lack of updates. It has been hot, and with no air conditioning, we have been spending alot of time by the pool, and not sitting around in the house sweating! My mom and dad will be here in a week, and I'm getting really anxious, in a good way. I feel fairly overwhelmed with Judah right now, and it will be a good time for a little break.

Brent's company bought everyone tickets to the baseball game Saturday night. About 15 minutes from our house is a Minor Leauge team, the Lake Elsinore Storm, who I believe feed directly into the San Diego Padres. They barbequed hot dogs and hamburgers right at the stadium, and then we had seats about 3 rows up from 3rd base. We had a great time, and Judah really enjoyed watching the baseball players.....for about 10 minutes. After that, we took turns climbing up the stairs with him, getting treats, chasing down the mascot for high 5's, etc... He had fun, expecially when he figured out that after he deshelled and ate the peanuts he could throw the shells onto the field....not really sure if that was ok, but it was keeping him busy and that was just fine with me!

I went to see a movie Sunday night with some girls from church, we saw Music and Lyrics. It was very cute, and fun to see Hugh Grant in a very different role. I definitley reccomend it for a chick flick rental night. I don't et to the movies very often, so I pretty much like everything I see....for me it's all about the fun of being out, and kid free....

Judah and I made some banana bread today for our small group tonight. He loves cooking with me, and I think it is because he knows he gets to take some "tastes" at the end...

Well, enough rambling for now. I'll leave you with this...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Judah and Grandma can make cookies while we're there. Can't wait.