Thursday, May 17, 2007

M & D 's visit in list form


-visit Brent at work
-relaxing nap time
-ravioli and meatballs for dinner!

-pack lunches and head to the beach
-play play play in the sand
-dig a big hole

-get our feet wet (the water was really cold)
-get burned through the clouds

-dinner at the tortilla factory


-hang out at home
-church BBQ at our place for a missionary
-Bosnian Coffee


-Brent had a CPR class all morning
-new Crocs for me! yay!
-San Diego Golden Retiever Meetup Dock Diving Seminar!

-hanging out at Dog Beach

-Flat tire
-Flat spare tire
-Call to roadside assistance
-no open tire repair shops
-a walk to Jack in the Box
-a rental car
-crammed ride home with a wet, sandy, stinky dog in my lap


-after church BBQ for Guatemalan orphans
-Trip back down to SD for Mom and Brent to fix tire and return rental car
-Dinner at Micah and Erica's house


-planned trip to the Zoo in San Diego...too sick of driving to San Diego, so we bagged it!
-went hiking instead
-found the falls this water...

-met some men working for the forest dept. clearing out a pond of all the pollywogs and crawdads..Judah was enthralled!

-another BBQ up at our house for a giant staff meeting (wherever 2 or more from our church are gathered......there is food)


-drive to the airport
-lunch with Brent at Chick-fil-a
-drop M & D off at the airport

We had so much fun Mom and Dad. Thanks so much for sacrificing a week of your vacation time to spend it with us!!!


Kelly said...

Seriously that hamburger looks really good....

Sounds like you guys kept busy! I'm glad you had a good visit. When are you guys coming up here again?

Anonymous said...

Good recap. I don't think I could've come up with as many details as you did. Yes, we did eat alot. But I finally got up the nerve to get on the scales this morning and I only gained a pound from before we left. Hurrah - back on the wagon again - trying to get Dad back on too. We had such a great time and loved every minute of it. Love ALL the photos. Did the Survivor tape arrive OK? Any progress on tickets for August? I checked ExpressJet's website yesterday and they were 69 ea. way. Give Judah a hug from grandma.

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Very fun!! I think that is one of the *benefits* of living away from family, a deeper appreciation for them and the chance to spend a week of time together.

See another blessing of your distance! ;).