Saturday, May 05, 2007

what a difference....

a year makes...

Easter, 2006

Easter, 2007

Same cheesy forced smile, but a lot bigger boy! Brent and I were just looking through some pictures and realizing how old he looks in alot of his pictures, and then we realized, it's not just the pictures. He IS older, and he looks older. He is slimming out, he has a skinny neck, he feeds the dogs, he takes showers, he rides a trike, he plays baseball, .....I could go on and on. Anyway, all you mothers out there know how bittersweet this is. It just hits you every now and then.

All of you mothers out there also know how we all have irrational fears concerning our children. Well, I have a very rational fear surfacing right now. Dino (whose house we live at) found his 2nd (yes 2nd) rattlesnake today while doing some hedge trimming. And of course he had to catch it and put it in a glass cage for all the kids to study.....Judah and I go over snake protocal every day, it goes a little like this:

M: Judah, what do you do if you see a snake?

J: I run away.

M: Then what do you do?

J: I come find Mommy and tell her I saw the snake.

M: Good boy.

We are about 10 minutes from ANY medical facility. So yesterday I asked Brent what I should do if the unthinkable happened. What would you do? It would take too long for an ambulance to get up here and get him to the hospital. Would you put him in his carseat? How fast would you speed? Do you try to suck out the venom? AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!?!?!?!?! Just pray, Alicia, just pray.....

Ok, I got that out of my system...

Guiness is going to his new home tomorrow. We are driving up north of LA and meeting his new mom in a little town to make the exchange. I am going to miss him, but I think Jager will miss him even more. They have really developed quite a bond..

Judah is a little attached too.

New favorite picture of Judah (photo credits: Erica Durham)


Kelly said...

Yes! That is a completely rational fear! Yikes!

The butterfly in those Easter pictures? I have that in my garden! :)

Cute pictures of Judah as usual!

Sage said...

Wow, you have been a busy blogger! I can hardly keep up :)
Judah really does look grown up compared to the year before. He is too adorable. Enjoy every minute of it.

Anonymous said...

Hey - hi - I haven't had time to look at your blog for awhile. I got really behind - or - as Sage said "you've been a busy blogger". I'll always remember the Easter 2006 photo of Judah with the butterfly because of the postage stamps you made for me for Mother's Day. I recognized the butterfly right away this year. You're right! He's grown up tons in one year.

I'll have to look at all these pages at work tomorrow. Our connection here at home won't even load all the photos.

Can't wait to see you Wed. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Such a cute little man!