Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Do big things really happen in 3's?

If so, I'll be posting about something else big in a few days! Because a couple big things happened here recently!

Monday, Judah decided he was potty trained. All the Skittles in the world wouldn't get him to go potty a few months ago, and me, not being quite ready anyway, took some friends advice not to push him. I secretly thought all that "he'll do it when he is ready" stuff was baloney...don't tell anyone! But he really did. He was ready this weekend. We have been doing pull-ups for my sanity, b/c he still has little accidents here and there, but for the most part, he os doing really well! I went out with the ladies Monday night, and Brent and Judah were at a friends house, and Judah told Brent 3 times that he had to go potty! And this morning, we were at Sharon's and he yelled at me from upstairs that he had to go. I ran up to get him to the potty, to find he had just pooped in the pull-up. I was a little sad, and cleaned him up, and let him try to go on the potty, and he FINISHED POOPING on the potty! I was VERY proud to say the least! Anyway, we're just taking it one day at a time, with lots of trips to the bathroom and positive reinforcement. So YAY!!!

The other big thing, not so big to most people, but big to me. I helped Sharon rescue a litter or feral kittens this week. A feral cat that hangs out at their house had 3 kittens about 6 weeks ago. The mom is untouchable, and we knew that without any intervention, the kittens would become the same exact way, socially fearful, and very very feral. Around 6 weeks, they can survive away from mom, and it is early enough that they should be able to be socialized to humans. So Tuesday, we caught all 3 of them. And boy, were they already wild! I got scratched and bitten (tiny scratches, mind you) getting them into a little crate. And every time you would move your hands near them, they would hiss and spit at you. Sharon and I were both shaking after the catch, and sat there wondering how a 1 pound kitten could strike such fear in your heart!!!

Well, last night I got them all set up in Jager's big crate with a bed, litter pan, dry food and water. I got them to the point last night where they would let me scratch their heads without hissing at me. This afternoon, we went over to feed them some wet food, and I GOT TO HOLD ALL 3 OF THEM!!! They are coming around so quickly. I am really suprised! I will get some pictures up of them as soon as I can. We are planning on doing a trap-neuter-release with the Mom cat as soon as we can.

This is all so exciting to me because after Guiness left, I felt like I needed to do something else to help. volunteer, foster, something. And this is so perfect. It is something that I have never done before, so I am having to research and figure it out. It is really keeping my rescue skills sharp as well as my vet tech skills sharp! I have been praying that Go would show me where I can best be used, and what a blessing to have this to do!

Maybe it seems silly to you, but the more time I spend with animals, I realize that this is really one of my passions.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A friends puppy we did some behavioral consulting with.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Enough rambling for now. Have a great rest of your week!


Anonymous said...

That puppy is adorable! You are a saint for helping those kittens. Gracie misses you :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lish - What a blessing about the potty training thing. Tell Judah that Grandma Marsha is very proud of him. Wish I could give him a big hug right now. We won't tell him about the pit toilets at Redfish Lake yet, but probably some preparation will be in order before we go. Cool deal about the feral cats. You do have a heart for animals, girl. Keep it up - I know you love it...Had a good visit with Fritz and Shannon. Will email you soon.

Anonymous said...

Yeager is so pretty.

Anonymous said...

And that photo of Judah is precious. Hugs...

Sage said...

You know I am not much of an animal lover, but I still enjoy your posts, and I think it is wonderful that you are able to participate in something you really enjoy. I also didn't know what feral meant and it was pretty interesting to learn about the wild cats. I am excited to hear about the other big thing. I wonder what it could be.....

Anonymous said...

So did the 3rd big thing happen?? That picture of Judah is awesome. You should frame a big one. When he is turning 5 and you are about to have a nervous break down like I am, you can look back at that sweet face! I agree with your mom, Yager is such a pretty boy- he should join a beauty pagent ;)