Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Time Flew... ..... ......

Because we had FUN!!!

What a whirlwind. Paul and Heather and the girls made it safely home today, and we miss all of them already! We ended up "doing" less, and just hanging out more, which, in the end, I KNOW was way more enjoyable. Judah is a great car kid b/c he has to be, but Lydia and Eden aren't used to riding around as much as he is, so we tried to stick around town much more than not! so here are some pictures of all of our "adventures"!

Eden says, "I'm here, and I'm ready to wreak some havoc!!!"

Cutie Pie Lydia!!!

Reading with Uncle Brent


The Beach!


Dinner and fun at the Paschall's

The Superheros take a juice break.

Quite the line-up...


Play-place at the mall

Lydia's 5th Birthday Party!!!!

The Pinata!!!


Saying Goodbye... :*(

WHEW! Congratulations! you got through *some* of the pictures!!

Conclusion: We swam almost every day, got really tan, burned up alot of gas, had some good parties, and really really really enjoyed every single second of it! And I promise, if you come to visit us, you will have just as much fun!


Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Yea!! So happy for you Alicia ... I can't imagine how hard it is to be away from your family, so I know that your "cup runneth" over right now from that special visit.

And pretty soon you're headed this way, right? Another sweet visit to look forward to!

Thanks for sharing the pictures and fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I got to meet them! Those girls are so dran sweet and I just love your sister!

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd have pictures today! Thank you, thank you. Just too cute! Didn't have much time with the Benzels yesterday when I picked them up at the airport as they were anxious to get home before everyone got grumpy. Got a few details, but am looking forward to a full run down of how everything went. Looks like we'll be going over on Friday with the Liedtke gang. See you soon. Did you get your tickets yet?

Kelly said...

Oh it looks like you guys had a great time! I'm so glad they were able to go see you! Hope you get to enjoy sometime relaxing and getting back to "normal"! Thanks for sharing all the pictures!

Sage said...

Oh how fun! I am so jealous. You made it look like so much fun I guess I will have to come visit!