Sunday, June 03, 2007

On cloud 9... ..... ....... **edited**

Just got home from the Idigo Girls concert. WOW!!! It was definitely everything I had ever hoped for and so much more! They put on an amazing live show, and the whole thing was just them and their instuments (guitars, madolins, banjo, & harmonica). I realized that I have been listening to them and waiting to see them live for almost 13 years. I recalled a memory tonight of a sleepover at Anna's house when I was 14 and Anna was 16. We sat and talked late into the night with The Idigo Girls Swamp Ophelia playing on repeat, fell asleep, and woke up the next morning with it still playing!

At one point during the concert, I found myself welling up with tears as I realized that so much of my love for music and singing and guitar stemmed from my dedication to their music. The firts non-worship song I learned to play on the guitar was "Closer to Fine". I learned to harmonize from listening to them sing. Their voices were made to sing together. It was even more amazing to hear live. Their music bleeds into folk, country, blues, bluegrass...I could go on and on...

Now, I know that their morals are questionable at best, and their lifestyles, leave much to be desired. I just remember learning at a young age to love music for what it is. MUSIC. And they have some of the most beautifully complex music ever written and preformed. I feel so incredibly lucky to have had the chance to see them preform live. And, yes, I should have brought my camera, but being the "good girl" that I am, and it saying "no cameras" on the tickets...I didn't. And, of course, everyone and their dog had their camera with them, snapping pictures of Amy and Emily at will....grrrrr. Oh well. I will always have the concert playing over and over in my head for a long time to come!

They didn't perform this's probably my al ltime favorite. The words are magical, the pictures that they draw with their lyrics never cease to amaze me. It really is poetry in its most raw form.
the hear a sample of this song, go here!

Love Will Come To You
guess i wasn't the best one to ask
me myself with my face pressed up against love's glass
to see the shiny toy i've been hoping for the one i never can afford
the wide world spins and spits turmoil and the nations toil for peace
but the paws of fear upon your chest only love can soothe that beast

and my words are paper tigers no match for the predator of pain inside her

i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if I've offered up a crystal ball to look through
where there's now one there will be two

i was born under the sign of cancer
like brushing cloth i smooth the wrinkles for an answer
i close my eyes and wish you fine even though i know you're not this time

i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if i've offered up a crystal ball to look through
where there's now one there will be two

dodging your memories a field of knives
always on the outside looking in on other's lives

i say love will come to you
hoping just because i spoke the words that they're true
as if i've offered up a crystal ball to look through
where there's now one there will be two

and i wish her insight to battle love's blindness
strength from the milk of human kindness
a safe place for all the pieces that scattered
learn to pretend there's more than love that matters

ok, now that I have rambled on and on....goodnight. Have a blessed week all!!!


Kelly said...

I'm so excited you posted last night! Glad to hear it was everything you thought it would be and that you felt good enough to go. Was there ever really a doubt though? :)

Sage said...

Yay yay yay! I am glad you had a good time. You spoke so highly of the Indigo Girls that I listened to a couple of the songs. The links are only thirty seconds, but one of the songs I really like... and I didn't realize they were the ones who sang it. Thanks for sharing.