Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The trip so far...

has been great! Lots to report, and not alot of computer time to divulge it all! Sunday was Church and then time with Brent's Dad and Brother's family. It was great to have everyone together again. The cousins all played wonderfully, in a year or so, we'll be kicking the boys outside to play, Tristen is getting big and starting to roughhouse with Judah alot, which is great. Judah needs someone to kick his hiney sometimes, ya know?

Yesterday, Monday, I got to babysit Eden for my sister in the afternoon while Brent, Judah and Debbie went to go see Brent's Grandpa. Little Baby Eden....really isn't a baby at all anymore. She is so smart. Too smart....reminds me A LOT of Jude.

Then last night, Brent took me out for our Valentines date! We left Judah with Debbie, and checked in at the Anniversary Inn, caught a cab to downtown. We ate our dinner at the Hapenny Bridge (an Irish Pub) and coffee at JAVA. walked around alot, we both miss downtown Boise, it was good to be back for just a little bit. We headed to the Record Exchange for old times, and caught the cab back to the hotel. We had a fabulous time, and Judah did Fabulous with G-ma Debbie all night!!!

Ok, I've had this post waiting in the wings for 2 days now, trying to UL pictures, and blogger just isn't cooperating....GAR!!!!!!!!

Now we're at my mom and dad's house. Trying to see friends, and spend time with family. Nick is flying in tonight to be here while we are, and we are actually getting some family pictures taken! I will update when I can with some pictures...until then....

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