Monday, September 03, 2007


Sunday morning, at 10:29 a.m. I became a real Californian! I experienced my very first earthquake! We were all sitting in church, Jeff was preaching, and then it felt like a big rig was rumbling by. But it got a little stronger, and then the trusses that hold up our projection screen started to shake a little bit. About that time, I looked over at Brent, put my hand on his leg, and we both realized we had just been in an earthquake. It was nothing, really, and any Native Californian laughed at us when we acted so excited about it. The epicenter was just north of Lake Elsinore, which is about 10 miles north of where we were. It registered a 4.7 on the Richter Scale, which, from all the information I can find, was the biggest one this year!

So apparently, there has been more than normal earthquake activity in Southern California in the past couple of weeks. Here is a good picture to show it.

See that big red blinking dot right below Fontana? That was us!!!

Everyone is ok, and I'm pretty sure that if there was any damage, it would have been on TV.

In other news, we are still unpacking....I know, we're taking forever. I just have no motivation when Brent isn't here, and then when he is here, I just want to have family time, not stinky unpacking time...ugh!

But we're working on the "music corner" of our front room, and I really like how it's turning out. We are going to try to have all of Brent's drums out, along with my guitars on the wall, and also display all of out other "instruments", like smaller drums, rain stick, tambourine, etc. We also plan to have our stereo with all our music over there. We haven't converted to the dreaded iPod style music, so we still have alot of space filling, bulky CD's. But we like it that way! I'm currently scoping out what kind of seating I want in that area, keeping my eyes out for stuff on Craig's List and other sites. I'll post some pictures when it's completed!

Other than that, just a lazy Labor Day. It's too hot to do anything outside, so we're getting a little cabin fever.....It was 106 today, and above 105 for the past week...we're melting alive. It's supposed to drop into the mid 90's this week, but I'm not sure I will even be able to tell the difference. Maybe at night I can start opening up the windows and turning off the AC again. One morning I woke up at 7:00 to let Jager out, and it was already 88 outside. The sun had barely come up. Again, ugh.

Have a fantastic (4 day) week! My mom will be here in 10 days!! YAY!!!


Kelly said...

I heard about that earthquake but didn't think it was close enough to you. Yikes! Glad you're all okay.
I'm so sorry it's been so hot there. It was 100 here yesterday and it made me want to cry! Where's fall? I want to wear sweaters and jeans!
I'm happy to hear your mom's coming to visit. Save the unpacking for when she's there. Mom's like doing that kind of stuff right? :)

Sage said...

This is going to sound weird- but- you were in my dream last night. I think it was because I read this and said to myself 'I wish my mom was coming to visit me'. Anyway... that is way hot. Can you go back and swim in your old pool? he he. The music corner sounds cool.

Sage said...
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Sage said...

Oh yeah.. and I am with you on the old school CD's. ipods take away the joy you get from opening a brand new CD and looking at the shiny newness and freaky cover art. (and lyrics)

Anonymous said...

I feel bad that I didn't even hear about the earthquake - on TV or the paper, but I haven't been keeping up very good lately. Congrats, Californian. I remember only 1 earthquake growing up in SoCal. I must've been pretty small because I remember my dad holding me under the door frame of my bedroom. It made an impression that I'll never forget.

It was 101 here on Monday! We've had a couple big wind storms blow through and the one last night finally brought cooler air. It's thundering and lightening and raining right now. Hope it settles the dust down around here. There's a big fire up by Banks that closed Hwy. 55 between Banks and HSB - the rain should help.

Looking forward to being there. You KNOW I'll help unpack. Love you.