Thursday, December 14, 2006

Photo Shoot

Well, the time has come for the decision. Christmas cards or no Christmas cards...... In the past i have always wanted to send out picture cards, but never got around to it. So last night, at 11 pm, I ordered them! I love that I can just upload a photo onto and go into the store the next day, and they are done! If you would like a card, and you don't think I have your address, e-mail it to me, or just comment on here with you address, and I'll get one out to you! So after the decision was made, I had to get a really good shot of Judah (let's face it, that's all anybody wants to see anyway, right?) . So we had fun with Moose and Jager yesterday trying to get just the right shot! I thought I would share some of the cute out-takes! Merry (early) Christmas and enjoy!

(ps. it wasn't even cool enough out to be wearing a sweater or a beanie, but I felt it might make it seem more Christmas-y)


Anonymous said...

Hey there! That gang of yours sure is cute! You may have my address, but I definitely want a card. So here it is in case you don't have it...4458 S. Silverwood Pl. Boise 83716. We'll have to try to get together while you're here (I'll give you a call). See you soon!!!

Kelly said...

Cute! He's so adorable you can't get a bad picture.

Of course I want a card! :)