Monday, August 27, 2007

He is always saying something....

funny Judah sayings recently:

"I think I'm allergic to marshmallows."

After dropping one macaroni and cheese noodle on the floor, "Jager! Do you want a mac and chee?" (you see, mac and cheese must be plural, so mac and chee is just one)

"My shoes have a tongue, just like my mouth!"

Judah- "we went to this big place where there was a big bear.And I saw a catfish."
my friend Christy- "Was it like a museum?"
Judah- "No! it was like a catfish!"
(about our trip to the new Bass Pro Shop)

He also begins alot of his sentences with, "You know what?" and is getting better about not answering every question with, "I don't know."

Moose getting some Judah love

Jager....yeah....we know. he's a little odd.

Judah, gettin' his dance on to some Ben Kweller

An apple pie I made to take to the UFC fight! It was a hit!

My little man is getting so big!

Happy Monday. Let's all have a great week!


Sage said...

He he he.. thanks for the laughs. I love the Judah dance.

Kelly said...

Macaroni and chee! That's funny!

Cute pie too! :)

Anonymous said...

Love those chubby cheeks. Can't wait to kiss them in a couple weeks. I knew the pie would be another masterpiece. Love you.