Friday, August 24, 2007

some new pictures

They both love having a backyard!

Cutie pie

Man, I love this picture!

Benji, eating lunch with Judah

Seriously, who's child is this?

I submitted this photo and caption to , so we'll see if they post it!

Trip to Huntington Beach Dog Beach last weekend
the thoughtful Jager

"Did God make the beach just for dogs?"

I seriously love this dog...

The jury is still out on this cat...just's more like a love/hate relationship.
I hate that I love him so much!
Well, I've been battling a fairly bad headache for the better part of this week. I think I figured out it is a sinus headache, even though I don't feel congested or sinus-y , but it is very painful and has pretty much kept me out of commission for the past three days. Prayer would be good, because Aleve and Sudafed aren't working. I really don't know what else to do. It feels better when I'm laying down, but as the full time mother of an almost 3 year old, we all know that laying down lasts for about .07 seconds.

Other than that, things are ok. Brent is working alot, which is like a love/hate thing too. hate the overtime b/c it keeps him away from us, love the overtime b/c it means a bigger paycheck for all the new bills...But we have to take the overtime when we can get it, as soon as it gets colder and darker, it will be hard just to get 8 hours in day. anyways....

What does the weekend hold, you ask? I would love to go with the family to dog beach down in SD, so we'll see how I feel in the morning. And Brent just asked me if we could go over to a co-workers house tomorrow night for the big UFC fight. What?!?!? Alicia likes UFC? Yes, yes I do. It's like High School wrestling, just a little more umm....well, aggressive. So hopefully we can make it.

With that, I should probably get going...I hear screaming coming from the far end of the house....he he he! I love having a "far end of the house"!!!


Sage said...

Okay- talk about a little Brent! I can't believe how much Judah looks like him in that picture!

Anonymous said...

You know that animals take on the personalities of their master, right? Better be careful of what you say.