Saturday, September 06, 2008

what I'm up to

business. yup! That pretty much sums it up. Sometimes I think I should take a break from the busy...but that probably is not going to happen any time soon. Especially since Judah's birthday is just over a week away. I'll tell you one thing I haven't been doing, and that's taking pictures. It's been too hot to be outside. just too freaking hot and muggy. But, since my little man is turning 4 years GIANT in a week, I am going to make it my goal to take lots of pictures of him this week, doing the things he loves to do the most. And then, there's Disneyland on his birthday. The camera will get exhausted on that day!

***(If you're of the praying persuasion, say a little prayer for my heart right now. I'm sad that Brent can't go with Judah, my mom and me to Disneyland for Judah's birthday. It's just not logistically possible, with him having to take a day off work and no vacation time to use. It's not a giant deal, it is just sad for me that Brent won't be there for Judah's first trip to D-Land. But I'm sure there will be many more in his future.)

So what have I been taking pictures of? It's probably boring to most, but it makes me happy, and I love having a hobby.

new project bags:

and some newly dyed yarny goodness

and this....

who is technically 100% natural. and also 100% crazy and growing up way too fast.


Acorn to Oak said...

Cute bags! Pretty yarn! I love the upside down book...adorable! Happy birthday to Judah. Have an awesome time at Disneyland! :-)

I love the baby booties/shoes on your Etsy shop. They're adorable!

Katie Eagy said...

I think it's so cool you guys are spending Judah's birthday at Disneyland! Great memories, for sure. Praying for you and the lack of Brent on that special day.

Kelly said...

Disneyland on his birthday??? He's one lucky little dude! My boys would die of excitement before we even got there! Have a great time! I will pray that it somehow works out for Brent to go too.
Cute little bags. Are you selling those too? I like that last stripey one.

Anonymous said...

Your bags are so cute. The skulls for Halloween are timely. Can't wait for Thursday. Give Jude a hug from gma and them tell him I'll be there in 2 more days to give him a real hug. Doing a paper chain again?