Friday, August 29, 2008

too. hot.

I forgot, during my month of blissful Idaho weather, what humidity does to a person. It makes you sweat beads, down your face, off of the end of your nose. It is, in one word, GROSS. I doubt there is even a big difference in the humidity from here to there, but it is enough to freak my body out.

Anyway, so since all of the horrid heat and humidity, we have been outside as little as humanly possible. We're bored. We go to the park as early as we can, and we can really only stay until 11 or so, b/c it's just unbearable. ugh.

No pictures, nothing new. I can't knit tonight b/c I sliced my thumb open today. lovely.

So, so much for the better blogging resolve! I missed yesterday, and today is a crapshoot!

later, gator.


Unknown said...

I totally feel the same about the humidity. I had to walk 11 miles today for my 3 Day training, and it about killed me! It was miserable, even at the harbor at 7:30am!

Hang in there, it's gotta get better soon!

PS- I hope the thumb isn't too bad!

Anonymous said...

I TOO am complaining about the humidity and heat.
I love FALL and wish it was Here!!!!
OH dear HOPE your thumb is OK .
I know that hurts SO bad.
Hugs m