Thursday, November 29, 2007

That's what she said....

Any Office watchers out there? While we haven't caught nearly all the episodes, we like the show. It is, however, one of those types of comedy that makes Brent physically uncomfortable, and he sometimes has to leave the room. You know, the dumb, I feel sorry for, type of humor....he's not offended by it, in the least, he just can't stand it sometimes! It makes me laugh. But some of the episodes brought us back to one of our often used joke with one another---that's what she said. And if you don't really know what I'm talking about, here are some examples...

As inappropriate as that joke in general is, we will admit, we say it often, mostly to each other, but I know that sometimes we forget we have a 3 year old recorder near us at all, on to the story...

Lat night as we were finishing up our dinner of sauteed chicken and vegetables over rice, Brent and I were both out of water. We went back a forth several times, as is normal for us, about who should get up to get some water for both of us. So I finally conceded, and decided to get the freakin' water! Before I left the table, I said (in a very smart-allicky way) "The last shall be first and the first shall be last!" and got up to get some more water for Brent and myself. I'm halfway to the fridge and I hear, in a raspy little voice, "That's what she said."

Brent and I both went into fits of laughing convulsions.... I haven't laughed so hard in months. What a little mouth that one has, and you know why? he has his mommies mouth....yikes.

In other news, Brent and I had a date last Friday, and I'm just now getting around to uplaoding the pictures from it. We dropped Judah off at the Paschalls, and headed down to Escondido to go to the STONE Brewery. Brent found out that we have a specialty brewery basically in our backyard, so we decided to go down and take a tour, with, of course, a free tasting at the end. We had a great time, learned a little bit about brewing, and enjoyed (well, at least Brent did) some really freshly brewed beer. It was all very interesting! Here are some pictures from the tour.

All the things that go into the brewing

The bottling/labeling machine, coincidentally, the actual machine used in the movie, Strange Brew no joke!!!

Brent and his Growler (refillable 1 liter bottle)


Kelly said...

We LOVE LOVE LOVE The Office! We have the DVDs and have watched them over and over a bazillion times. So stinkin' hilarious! But yet uncomfortable at times too. I think we've watched it enough now that we don't feel so uncomfortable when Michael is being Michael. That's hilarious about Judah saying that! Kids are so funny!
Sounds like a fun date! I like that picture of you two! So cute!

Sage said...

I LOVE OFFICE! Ditto to Kelly.
p.s. Your Thanksgiving pies were BEAUTIFUL. How did you get such perfect crusts! You need to teach me.

Anonymous said...

I love that little raspy voice and NOTHING that comes out of his mouth should surprise you anymore - talk about a little tape recorder! Interesting date choice-ya have to understand Brent, right? I know, any time out together, alone, is a "date". Glad you got out. Love you guys.

Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

HA! That is too funny and so bad :P. Thankfully they don't get a lot of what we say. Matt thinks it's very funny to use that line, mostly on me ... HAHAHA ... so funny, or so he thinks.

So yes, we *heart* The Office too!

Glad you got out for a date night, those are always so wonderful no matter what you do!

Anonymous said...

I just realized I have been placing comments for messages on the wrong section....sorry...I think I am in the right place this time..and the whole water episode is just too funny. I am never gonna get anything done if I don't stop reading your blog...but everyone just gets better and better.... I really love you guys. We should try and do dinner at my house next week. What about new years ?? wanna think about coming over here ??? you guys are more then welcome to sleep over we have plenty of beds that don't get used !! ....LOL... okay really this is my last comment. I have dishes calling my name !