Thursday, November 08, 2007

Starting to recover...

I am feeling much better. My voice is still not quite there, but I'm feeling remarkably better. Now guess who's turn it is to be sick?!?!??? Jäger!! Well, he's not technically sick, but he's going into the vet's tomorrow for a long awaited checkup and vaccinations. While admiring and lavishing love and attention on my dog Sunday night, my friend Brady found 2 little bumps under his skin on one of his sides. Then tonight, I found 2 more. I am not really that worried, but I want to make sure it's nothing serious. So off the the vet we go, and these are the times you wish you had pet insurance! Just with a visit and shots I'm already in over $ poor little man...

Now for the randomness...I realized I never posted pictures from Halloween...what was I thinking?!?!? We had such a great Holiday! Judah was really into carving the pumpkins this year, and wanted a scary monster face just like the Halloweener book again. With as dirty as that kid gets on a daily basis, he really disliked getting the goo out of the pumpkin! It was actually quite comical to watch him grimace through it...unfortunately, I was too busy laughing to take any pictures of it! But I did get these.

Judah seemed to be fine with the idea of his cheap mother re-using his Monkey costume from last year. He was really cute, of course, and was calling himself Curious George. We went to the ridiculously ginormous fall festival thing at a mega church in Temecula. It was soooo crazy and busy, but he had a blast, riding rides, playing games, jumping in jumpies (honestly, what are those things called???) anyway, he wore himself out. But not to fear, plenty of sugar was eaten to make up for the expended energy...we are still battling the candy to this day. My friend Brady had a great idea when, about a week ago, took down the pumpkin baskets and gave them to her children and told them to eat it all, so that she didn't have to hear that dreaded sentence "Mom?!? I want some candy!" ever again. Smart lady.

Here are some pics from Halloween.

Waiting in line to play a game with Daddy

Giving me the stink eye...seriously, click on this pictures, his expression is priceless!

Give me more candy!!!

Playing one of the carnival type games

Riding a helicopter ride

Riding down the big blow up slide!

I've been a bad photographer...and I use that term loosely in reference to myself. I just realized I haven't uploaded any new pictures to the computer in over a week, and I'm sure if I checked my camera right now, there wouldn't be anything spectacular on it either...I've not been very inspired lately. Mostly b/c I really want a new camera. I think I finally decided on one, but with hundred dollar trips to the vet, that won't be happening any time soon....

Oh, and one last thing. Judah said the weirdest thing today. We took a walk/bike ride down to our neighborhood park where he found this stick. It was a rather poky stick, one that would have made my grandpa Frank feel the need to say something like, "Be careful. Kids shouldn't play with sticks. You could poke an eye out!" He picked it up and turned around and looked at me and said, "This is my CLAW FIFTY THREE THOUSAND!!" What a Goofball!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow - thanks for the great post. It was a grandma's photo bonanza. I love keeping up with you guys this way! The next best thing to having you here...Why am I not surprised Judah wanted another scary monster Jack O Lantern. The shot of him on the wall with that big smile is priceless. I haven't actually ever seen him smile that way (that big!)-what a cutie. The last photo is so Brentish, looks like his daddy. I found a random photo of you at 3 yrs old and it really looked alot like your son, so he's definitely a great combo of both of you. So glad you are feeling better. Hope the bumps on Jager aren't serious. Love you.

Anonymous said...

The best thing about the "Claw 53 thousand" is Judah's raspy little voice saying it. I am still laughing about that! Such big words for a little :)

Anonymous said...

Jagger I love you even if you are bumpy!

Hey she might not be cool enough for Dogster, but she does read the blogg! :)

Sage said...

Glad you are feeling better and that you had a fun halloweener!