Thursday, May 03, 2007

pruny fingers... ..... ......

Since we moved to this house, we no longer have a bathtub, so Judah has started to just take showers with us. And this morning, he just didn't want to get out! By the time I fianlly convinced him it was time to get out, his fingers were soooooo pruny!!

Those little pruny fingers were so cute, I told him I just wanted to eat them, and Judah said, "no, because then they'll broke off." and I said, "please? just one little nibble?" and he said, "no, because then my hands will get all slobbery."


Kelly said...

Wow I'm way behind on your blog!
We never did anything on May Day but you weren't the only one who mentioned it. Maybe we'll have to remember it for next year.
Those pictures of Judah playing catch are so cute! Where are those pants from?
I love the little pruny fingers! Garrett loves taking showers too! It's so funny how those little things make them seem so much older!
Okay I think I'm all caught up! :)

alicia marie said...

Those pants were some of my stockpile from before Judah was born...I was obsessed with clearance sales and yard sales, and by the time he was born, I had 3 large rubbermaid totes full of clothes...and I am just running out now. So those ones are from Old Navy, on clearance, about 3 years ago!!!!