Wednesday, May 02, 2007

playing catch

Judah and I had our very first catch today. He has been quite taken with baseball lately, and the boys (Cello and Austin--boys whose house we live at) have lots of different sized mitts in their collection. So Judah and I played catch! He is getting really good at throwing, and now is learning how to catch. He was so excited, he couldn't wait for Brent to get home from work so that he could play catch with Dad.

Sorry about the blurriness of the is REALLY time for that new camera I have been is slowly turning into that new camera I need...


Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Such a big boy! Isn't it so fun (and a bit sad) seeing them grow into these independent little beings? I can't get over how much he and Judah look alike ... it's that wispy fine blond hair. Ethan's is getting a good trim today and then another one in a few weeks before his big debut as a ring bearer!

Anonymous said...

Love the cargo pants and bare feet - so SoCal. Can't wait. Don't have much longer now.