Monday, April 02, 2007

Breathe it in.. ... ....

.... ... ..the crisp ocean air. What a fantastic time we has at Dog Beach this Saturday. Judah was so excited to dig in the sand and play in the water. It was alot warmer than we thought it would be, and turned out to be beautiful! And Jager, or course, was overjoyed! He actually went swimming and hoping over all the waves to fetch his ball. He was so proud of himself for figuring it out! Here are some (well, lots) of the pictures of all the boys

Then there's this. Who is with me? I think there should be signs on the back of public restroom stalls telling you it is an automatically flushing toilet so that you can adequately perpare yourself....We were at the grocery store tonight, and while Brent was checking out with Judah, I went to the bathroom. And it flushed, seriously, the SECOND my rear was off the seat....if I hadn't have just peed, I would have had an accident right then and scared me so bad, I almost hit my head on the stall door!! LOVELY!

Oh, and I almost forgot. I took this silly little video of Jager digging! it is just with the digital camera, no sound, probably bad quality, but fairly cute!


Anonymous said...

How funny! I have a matching hole in my back yard! hahah Although, mine is on the way to becoming a swimming pool!

Anonymous said...

Hey - Hi - I'm green with envy. A day at the beach - ahhh - I can't wait for May. Looks like it was nice, shirt-sleeve weather and the water warm enough to not freeze your ankles like in Oregon.

Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Is Grandma Debbie there yet?

alicia marie said...

Mom, we can't wait for May either!! And it should be even nicer weather when you guys are here! And Debbie is getting here tomorrow! Judah and I are doing a countdown!

Kelly said...

Oh the beach! So jealous! We're heading to the coast in June and I can't wait! Love it! Great pictures too!