Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Laundry Day & IMPACT cafe

Yesterday was laundry day, just thought I would share some pics of what Judah thinks the laundry basket is for!

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my mom tomorrow. She is coming into town for Judah's birthday this weekend. So excited...can't even tell you... We're just finishing tidy-ing up the house before we go pick grandma up at the airport tomorrow. Everytime we get out of the car Judah askes "where's grandma Marsha?" He can't wait either! I will definitely post an update after his party this Friday.

Here are some pictures from Sunday morning at IMPACT. We just started the Impact Cafe. the weather has been so nice we decided to have it outside for people as they are coming into the auditorium.

I have been meaning to get some pictures of the service, but always get too caught up in everything to step aside and take some shots. Enjoy!


Johnny said...

Judah is growing so fast!

impact cafe looks cool.

glad you guys are doing well and glad to see your blog!


Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Hi Alicia (and Brent & Judah) ...

I've been "lurking" at your blog since you commented on mine. Just forgot to comment and let you know I'm here ;).

I can't believe what a big boy Judah is. Sounds like he's talking more than Ethan ;). And he looks older than Ethan ... he's pretty tall, isn't he?

Hope the birthday party went wonderfully, Ethan's was so fun at two! Your dad was looking a bit sad that he wasn't able to come too!

Take Care!

Kelly said...

I was going to email you this but it seems I don't have it...I'm sure if I think about it it'll come to me. Anyway, thanks for the idea of the colored stain. I had thought of that but wasn't sure how it would look. Good to know from someone who's done it.
Okay we need to see pictures from the big party! :) Can you believe he's 2?!?!